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In the August Federal Funding Briefing, we re-cap some of the news we shared this month. Look for a deep dive into U.S. biopharmaceutical innovation, critical tips on subrecipient monitoring and compliance, and the latest in SBIR info and opportunities—including the release of DoE’s 2025 FOA.

A First in Uniting Innovators with Investors

The inaugural Innovative Capital Summit occurred in late July. Designed to catalyze investment in American innovation by bringing together third-party capital providers and members of regional technology ecosystems, this one-day event was a true success. And major announcements were made. See them here. 

Protecting Innovation through Understanding

The more we understand an industry, the more we seek to protect it. That’s the catalyst for this deep-dive report on the biopharmaceutical innovation system. It includes everything from development and approval to core components of innovation to threats to the ecosystem, including march-in rights. Read or download the report here.

Know This: Federal Grants Management Includes Monitoring Your Subrecipients

Flowdown of grant terms means the subrecipient is subject to the same fiscal and programmatic restrictions as the grantee. This includes reimbursement of only costs that are allowable under the federal cost principles, beneficiary eligibility restrictions, and geographic scope restrictions, among other requirements. This relationship is addressed in the Uniform Guidance and could be audited. This blog provides important information. Read it here. 

For additional, helpful reading look to Jameson’s Critical Reading section and our UGA compliance series, specifically and our blogs on direct subcontractors and direct consultants.

Important Info & Opportunities for SBIR/STTR Grantees

The DoE has released a Funding Opportunity Announcement for FY 2025.  Check out the Phase I and II opportunities, release dates, helpful webinars, and more. Access this important information here. 

A Healthy Opportunity for SBIR: The NIH and CDC are soliciting proposals from small businesses with the R&D expertise to conduct innovative research that will contribute toward their mission needs and SBIR program objectives. Details here.

OMB’s 2024  Compliance Supplement: Make sure you’re aware of  updates to compliance requirements for auditors to consider when performing single audits under the Uniform Guidance. There are several important changes. Read the blog.

Webinar: Learn How to Comply with Your Government Funding AwardAttend our free, online webinar from 1-2 PM (EST), Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Learn how to set up your books for FAR compliance. Gain a deeper understanding of indirect costs rates, how they impact your cash flow, and how to project the right one.  And explore ways to survive the audits embedded in your award. Register now.

Take advantage of our free Indirect Cost Rate Projection & Cost Proposal (SF-424) Review. When applying for a Phase II grant, it’s critical to project the indirect cost rate you’ll need to stay cash flow positive. A review with a Jameson Partner can help. Get the details on this invaluable program here.

For daily insights on  federal funding and government award accounting, follow us on X and LinkedIn.


Ed Jameson
Ed Jameson, CPA, Managing Partner

I’ve been in practice for over 40 years helping our small business clients procure, manage, and survive audits on more than $6 billion in federal government contract and grant funding. We’ve been featured presenters and panel moderators at Tech Connect’s National SBIR/STTR conferences since 2010, and I’ve presented at the DOD’s Mentor Protégé Summit and present regularly for several state and local organizations.


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